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Neuroscience Center Zurich

News Archive

  The Importance of Olfaction for Somatosensory Development
Science, 9 May 2024

Improving Treatment Management of MS
17 April 2024

  On Depression during Pregnancy
16 April 2024
  Brain Organoids
3 April 2024

Stimulating Live Music
PNAS. 27 February 2024


Impact of Collateral Blood Vessels in Stroke
Neuron. 26 February 2024

  Potential New Drug Target for ALS and FTD
Nature. 22 February 2024
  Bio-Inspired Neuroprosthetics
21 February 2024
  MRI of Myelin Sheaths
5 February 2024

Mechanism of Guillain-Barré Syndrome
19 January 2024

  Less Stress, Better Research
17 January 2024
  Open Position: Professorship in  Modelling Neural Diseases Using Stem Cell Technology
20 December 2023
  Microvehicles for Drug Delivery
7 December  2023
  Symposium Clinical Neurocenter
7 December 2023
  Controlling Arousal with Pupil Size
Nature Human Behaviour
30 October 2023
  Markers for Psychosis in Speech
Philipp Homan shares ERC Synergy Grant with three European partners. 27 October 2023
  Encoding Memories in the Brain
18 Sept 2023
  Autism Investigated with Organoids
13 Sept 2023
  SNF Advanced Grant for Fritjof Helmchen
29 August 2023
  Sleep Modulation
30 August 2023
  ZNZ Annual Symposium
14 September 2023
  Research Day Clinical Neurocenter
31 August 2023

Orexin Influences Pupil Size
Nature Neuroscience
11 July 2023

  In memory of Professor Anton Valavanis14 June 2023
  Adjusting Perception for Own AdvantageNature Human Behavior
12 June 2023
21 June 2023, 17:00,  Irchel Campus, Y24-G-45
  Development of Retinal Organoids
Nature Biotech
8 May 2023
  Vagus Stimulation for Stroke Patients18 April 2023
  Innovation in Light MicroscopyNew publication in Nature Biotech
30 March 2023

Emotion Research featured
in ETH Globe
14 March 2023

  New Blood-Brain-Barrier ModelPublication in Advanced Science
17 Feb 2023
  ZNZ Science & DrinksNew seminar series
starts in January 2023
  Koetser Prize for Vertigo Research
This year's Award goes to Adolfo Bronstein
2 December 2022
  Protein Structure May Diagnose Parkinson's Disease
New publication in Nat Struct Mol Biol.
29 November 2022
  Immune System Reboot in MS Patients
New publication in Science Transl. Med.
17 November 2022

27th Zurich Vertigo Symposium
Monakow Hörsaal
1 December 2022, 14:00-18:00

  9th KNZ Annual Symposium
Neuroplasticity: novel insights from basic & clinical science
Monakow Hörsaal
30 November 2022, 14:00-18:00
  Burghölzli Psychiatry Meeting 2022
Keynote speech by Prof. Nikolai Axmacher.
10 November 2022

Building up the Connectome
A model for brain wiring.
25 August 2022

  Research Day Clinical Neurocenter
Hörsaal Monakow
2 September 2022
  Amyloid and Tau in Alzheimer's Disease
Talk by Jürgen Götz on
26 August 2022 at 13:00
  Ultrasound for Human Brain Imaging
Skull bone remains challenging.
26 July 2022
  Call for Research Proposals on Neurodegeneration
New request for proposals by the Hurka Foundation
Submission deadline by 31 July 2022
  3rd Symposium of the URPP AdaBD
University of Zurich, Alte Kantonsschule
Aula RAA-G-01, Rämistrasse 59
4 July 2022, 13:00-19:00
  SNFS Advanced Grant for Sebastian Jessberger
Investigating the aging process in the brain
29 June 2022
  60 Years Brain Research Institute
Jubilee Symposium on
15 June 2022, Program
  Memristor for Brain-Inspired Computing
Publication in Nature Communications
18 May 2022

Modeling the Development of the Neural Tube
Publication in PNAS
16 May 2022

  Automated Analysis of Animal Behavior
New publication by Yanik et al.
in Nature Machine Intelligence
25 April 2022
  Enhancing Deep Sleep
First clinical study of new wearable device
8 April 2022
  Proposals for Alzheimer Research
New call by Synapsis Foundation
4 April 2022

Phenomenological Methods in Neuroscience and Consciousness Research
Workshop on 28-30 April 2022

  iPSZurich Symposium
20 April 2022
  Astrocyte Networks Are Important for Learning and Memory
Publication by Hösli et al. in Cell Reports
7 March 2022

Mechanisms of Synaptic Loss After Stroke
Publication by Cramer et al.
in Science Advances
4 March 2022

  Finally Rational?
New study by Grujic, Brus, Burdakov and Polania in Science Advances.
4 March 2022
  Twin Study on Causes of MS
Publication by Ingelfinger, Becher,
Beltran et al. in Nature.
16 February 2022

Watch the Beautiful Brain
by Lorenzo Gesuita et al.
and donate in their
Crowdfunding Campaign
11 February 2022

  New Biosensor for Orexin
Publication by Patriarchi et al.
in Nature Methods
10 February 2022